Φαίνεται ότι η σύνοδος κορυφής Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης – Κομισιόν – Τουρκίας αυτή την εβδομάδα δεν θα έχει επιτυχία αναφέρει ο αρχισυντάκτης της Bild Dirk Hoeren που αποκαλύπτει το προσχέδιο της συνόδου κορυφής της Πέμπτης για να προσθέσει: «πρέπει να γίνουν περισσότερες ενέργειες»
Ολόκληρο το κείμενο στα Αγγλικά
The European Council confirms its comprehensive strategy to tackle the migration crisis. Several elements of our common European response are in place today and yield results. Work on other elements is being taken forward diligently, so that they can be implemented as soon as possible. Priority will continue to be given to regaining control of our external borders
Following the decisions of the Heads of State or Government of 7 March and in the context of the Joint Action Plan with Turkey and its possible expansion the European Council calls for:
More work to be done on hotspots a lot of process has been achieved to make all hotspots fully operational and to increase reception capacities, this effort should be continued, with full assistance of the EU including support to Greek asylum structure
The use of all means to support the capacity of Greece for the return of irregular migrants to Turkey
Emergency support to be provided to help Greece cope with the humanitarian situation. The rapid adoption of the Regulation on emergency support and the proposal of a draft amending budget by the Commission are important steps in that respect. Member States are invited to make immediate contribution under the Civil Protection Mechanism as well as to provide bilateral humanitarian assistance.
Speeding up relocation from Greece, which includes conducting the necessary security checks the number of applications being larger than the number of offers [as shown ins the Commission report of 16 March] Member States should swiftly offer more places, in line with the existing commitments
- 3. The European Council once again emphasizes the need to be extremely vigilant as regards possible new routes for irregular migrants and as determined to take any measures that may become necessary in that respect. In this context the fight against smugglers everywhere and by all appropriate means remains key.
- 4. The European Council reaffirms its previous conclusion on the various elements of the comprehensive strategy and is pleased with progress of the European Border and Coast Guard proposal Reflections will also be taken forward on the future architecture of the EU’s migration policy including the Dublin Regulation.